What is Olympic Weightlifting?

Snatch and Clean & Jerk

Olympic weightlifting is a sport in which a barbell is lifted overhead using two different techniques (snatch or clean & jerk). In addition to the technique, speed, strength, coordination and agility are particularly important for success in weightlifting.

Although Olympic weightlifting is a marginal sport, many high-performance athletes, such as sprinters and shot-putters, include the exercises in their training programs because of their high power aspects. Olympic weightlifting has experienced a boom in the last 10 years due to the CrossFit movement and we now count over 300 active weightlifters in Switzerland.


In the snatch, the barbell is lifted off the floor in a wide grip while kept close to the body until reaching the overhead position in one smooth motion. Usually, the barbell is stabilized in a deep overhead squat, after which the athlete stands up while maintaining the barbell overhead until the legs and hips are fully extended.


Clean & Jerk

This olympic lift includes two movements: The clean and the jerk. In the clean, the barbell is lifted off the floor, placed on the shoulders, and usually caught in the deep squat of a front squat. The athlete stands up with the barbell on her/his shoulders until the legs and hips are fully extended. During the subsequent jerk, the barbell is brought overhead with a short but powerful thrusting motion and is usually stabilized in a lunge with the arms extended above the head. To complete the jerk, the athlete must stand up and again achieve a complete extension of the legs and hips while holding the barbell above the head with arms extended.



Weightlifting Club Beider Basel

The Weightlifting Club beider Basel was founded in 2013 and was the first weightlifting club to emerge from a CrossFit box. The athletes in our club span from beginners to some of the best lifters in Switzerland. As we place great importance on the community and the constant progress of our athletes, we meet at least once a month to train together in the CrossFit Basel box.

As a club member you profit from the following advantages:

  • monthly, free team training sessions
  • final trainings before competitions
  • highly trained, professional coaches
  • professional support at competitions
  • weightlifting training 6 days/week (by class schedule of CrossFit Basel)

We maintain an active club life and organize home competitions for the league together. All members are actively involved.


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