Olympic Weightlifting Club Beider Basel

The GHCBB was founded in 2013 as the first CrossFit in-house olympic weightlifting club in Switzerland and is now one of the most successful and largest clubs in Switzerland with over 35 active members. Our athletes have achieved numerous Swiss records and more than 10 athletes have been appointed to the Swiss national squad. 

With Joyce de Koning we have one of the best olympic weightlifters in Switzerland in our ranks, she has won the national league A of the ladies in the current season 2022/2023. Beside the successes at competitions, however, the following points distinguish us above all: 

Your progress is our success. We are a mix of experienced athletes and beginners, mutual support is a matter of course. We have fun training together, technique and attention to detail are important to us and we want to constantly improve. Everyone is welcome to join us. We pick you up at your level and help you to get better and better.

Become a Member


Swiss records


Swiss championship titles





We promote

strength sports

Our vision

Olympic Weightlifting Club beider Basel promotes the sport of olympic weightlifting in the city and surrounding area of Basel, contributing to the general health of the population.

Our mission

Olympic Weightlifting Club beider Basel attaches great importance to the technical execution of the movements and teaches these in group classes, club trainings, at seminars and workshops and during personal trainings. Thereby the fun and the community should not be neglected.


The GHCBB has its home at CrossFit Basel since 2013. At the new training facility at Reinacherstrasse 101, the club has excellent conditions to hold competitions and club trainings. The Open Gym at CrossFit Basel is equipped with a large amount of Eleiko equipment, jerk blocks and a variety of dumbbells and kettlebells.

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Club Trainings

Wednesday 11. October 19:30 CrossFit Basel R101 Ramon
Wednesday 25. October 19:30 CrossFit Basel R101 Ramon
Wednesday 15. November 19:30 CrossFit Basel R101 Ramon
Wednesday 29. November 18:30 CrossFit Basel R101 Ramon
Saturday 23. December 15:00 CrossFit Basel R101 Ramon


27/28. October, 2023 Challenge 210 Tramelan
12. November, 2023 Superieur 1 Rorschach
18. November, 2023 Inferieur 1 CrossFit Todoma
2. December, 2023 Deutschschweizermeisterschaft CrossFit Basel Register here Event info here
10. February, 2024 Inferieur 2 CrossFit Basel
11. February, 2024 Superieur 2 CrossFit Basel
16. March, 2024 Inferieur 3 CrossFit Todoma
24. March, 2024 Superieur 3 Geneva
30. March, 2024 Gruppen-Finale TBD
13. April, 2024 Schweizer-Cup Finale TBD
27. April, 2024 Nationales Finale Zonen TBD
11. May, 2024 Veteranen/Junioren SM Tramelan
25. May, 2024 Interclub Finale TBD
15. June, 2024 Elite Schweizermeisterschaft Andelfingen
22. June, 2024 MFX Tramelan

Swiss Amateur Olympic Weightlifting Association

We are affiliated with the Swiss Amateur Olympic Weightlifting Association and participate in the league rounds and team competitions.

The league is divided into up to 6 levels:

  • National League A and B
  • 1st to 4th league

The league rounds of National League A and B are held throughout Switzerland while 1st to 4th league in are divided into four different zones and you lift in your respective region. Our club is at home in the zone 3.


Sinclair points

At the beginning of the season you are ranked by body weight and performance (Sinclair) and from fall to spring you compete in three league rounds against athletes of similar strength. As a team, you can also qualify for team competitions.

To calculate your Sinclair points, click on the icon.

Competition Process

1. Weigh-in

The competition starts by measuring body weight

2. Starting


All athletes of a respective group state their starting weights during weigh-in and start in the order of the selected barbell weight.

3. Snatch

The athletes complete three attempts in the snatch. The weight increases. Athletes with lower starting weights start first, all attempts of all athletes are completed in order of  ascending weights, regardless of whether they are first, second or third attempts.

4. Clean & Jerk

After a short break, three attempts follow in the clean and jerk, which are also completed in order of ascending weights.

5. Scoring

Scoring in league rounds and in team competitions is done according to Sinclair points. In mixed team competitions, scoring is done according to Robi points.

Become a


As a club member you profit from the following advantages:

  • monthly, free team training sessions
  • final trainings before competitions
  • highly trained, professional coaches
  • professional support at competitions
  • weightlifting training 6 days/week (by class schedule of CrossFit Basel)

To sign up for a competition license for the current season, click here to fill out the google form.

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